Largest Solar PV rooftop in SA. 1,5MW Clearwater mall

solaref image of clearwater

I recently had the privilege of visiting the 1,5MW rooftop PV installation at Clearwater mall being installed by Solareff.

The installation was impressive and comprised of Yingli Modules, Kaco 60kW string inverters and then the Safintra S-5-PV Mounting kit. Panels are mounted at the angle of the roof which seemed to be in the region of about 8-10 degrees slope & more or less north facing.


A cleaner occasionally wipes the panels to clear the dust, and the system has been broken into three sections of 500kWp each to deliver the combined 1,5MW capacity. Jaco from Solareff mentioned that the three sections deliver peaks and dips caused by clouds at different times due to the different sections being situated apart from one another. No battery backup was installed in this installation as the shopping centre already had large gensets installed to supply a reference voltage to the PV installation during periods of power shortages.

The Safintra S-5 support mechanism can be seen in the photo below

clearwater mall safintra structural support


A Closer look at the DC disconnect box also shown in the last photo. There are no combiner boxes on the roof itself and all switching devices are located at a central point close to the inverters

fuses box 1900X1000 clearwater DB

KACO inverters 60kW clearwater mall

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