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Featured Videos

What do I need to do in order to become a qualified solar PV installer in South Africa?

This 4 minute video covers the regulations governing solar PV installations as well as the P4 and the PV Green Card quality assurance platforms.

Get yourself accredited by attending a course or writing a test.
Documents of interest mentioned during the video can be accessed or downloaded from the links below:

  1. Dept of Labour registration criteria
  2. AMEU & SALGA document

"The PQRS Excel Course is absolutely excellent. It takes you from the very basics, to advanced techniques and design thinking."

Avaan Sewpersadh

"I really enjoyed this training. It was very informative and helpful. I found out everything I wanted and needed to know and more! Thank you PQRS"

Keagan Leppan

"The training was brilliant. I would highly recommend it."

Brett Finlay

"Even after being an electrician for 30+ years myself, I still learned a lot about solar systems that I did not know. I would recommend this course for anyone wanting to become a professional solar installer."

Eugene Rautenbach

"This course is thorough and Eugene is a knowledgeable and helpful presenter. Highly recommended for beginners up to experienced solar installers to get a broad overview or just fill in some gaps in your knowledge of the field."

Werner Oosthuizen

"The training at Rubicon PE by Eugene was well presented and quite an "eye opener". Thanks to Eugene and the Academy and Well Done."

Clive Lavis