Latest Rules for Registration of PV Plants – June 2018

  1. The following activities are exempt from the requirement to apply for and hold a license under the Act, not withstanding, these activities must be registered with the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA):
    1. The operation of a generation facility with an installed capacity of no more than 1MW which is connected to the national grid, in circumstances in which -
      1. the generation facility supplies electricity to a single customer and there is no wheeling of that electricity through the national grid
      2. the generator or single customer has entered into a connection and user-of-system agreement with or obtained approval from, the holder of the relevant distribution license; and
      3. as at the date on which the connection and user-of-system agreement is entered into or the approval is obtained, the minister has not published a notice in the Government Gazette stating that the amount of megawatts (MW) allocated in the integrated resource plan for embedded generation of this nature has been reached.
    2. The operation of a generation facility with an installed capacity of no more than 1MW which is connected to the national grid, in circumstances in which -
      1. The generation facility is operated solely to supply a single customer or related customers by wheeling electricity through the national grid;
      2. the generator has entered into a connection and use-of-system agreement with the holder of the distribution or transmission license in respect of the power system over which the electricity is to be transported; and
      3. as at the date on which the connection and user-of-system agreement is entered into or the approval is obtained, the minister has not published a notice in the Government Gazette stating that the amount of megawatts (MW) allocated in the integrated resource plan for embedded generation of this nature has been reached.
    3. The operation of a generation facility with an installed capacity of no more than 1MW which is not connected to the national grid, or having an interconnection agreement, in circumstances in which -
      1. The Generation facility is operated solely to supply electricity to the owner of the facility in question
      2. The Generation facility is operated solely to supply electricity for consumption by a customer who is related to the generator or owner of the generation facility; or
      3. the electricity is supplied to a customer for consumption on the same property on which the generation facility is located.
    4. The operation of a generation facility for demonstration purposes only, whether or not the facility is connected to a transmission or distribution power system, in circumstances in which -
      1. the electricity produced by the generation facility is not sold; and
      2. if the facility is connected to the national grid, the generator has entered into a connection and use-of-system agreement with , or obtained approval from, the holder of the relevant transmission or distribution license; and
      3. the facility will be in operation for a period of not more than 36 months.
    5. The operation of a generation facility where the electricity is produced from a co-product, by-product, waste product or residual product of an underlying industrial process, in circumstances in which -
      1. the generation facility is operated solely to supply electricity to the owner of the generation facility in question;
      2. the generation facility is operated solely to supply electricity for consumption by a customer who is related to the generator or owner of the generation facility within the meaning contemplated in section 2 of the Companies Act, 2008 (Act No. 71 of 2008); or

the electricity is supplied to a customer for consumption on the same property on which the generation facility is located.

The original Rules for registration government Gazette nr 41685 can be downloaded directly from the PQRS site.


Image of an engineer standing at a commercial solar PV site


Image of an engineer standing at a commercial solar PV site


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